Artist: Myles Gallagher

In Contemplation
Untitled Detroit #1

Artist Statement

For as long as I can remember, I have been drawn in by all types of art and taking my vision to a final product. In my youth I studied music; during my teens Visual Arts and Performing Arts. During High School at Saint Alphonsus my summers were enjoyed attending sessions at Blue Lake Fine Arts Camp studying Voice, Singing, Musical Theater and Choir. The icing on the cake was being accepted for Blue Lakes International Choir where we toured Scandinavia. Later in my teens my love affair with Classical Ballet and Modern Dance could no longer be denied. I studied at American Dance Academy and at WMU and in addition, studying Modern Dance with Nonce Dance Company at Saint Andrews Hall in Detroit.
I earned my BS from the College of Arts and Science at Western MI University. My studies included Fine Art, Humanities and English. While continuing my studies employed in the Student Art Gallery with great enthusiasm, I earned my internship for Gallery Exhibitions