Artist: Zach Suggs

What Have I Done?
I Wonder What My Friends Are Doing?
Bread and Butter
Interactive Topographical Map
Untitled #1

Artist Statement

‘A Well-Worn Path’ searches the horizon for a place to call home as it documents the transitory shifts of others. This body of work began to take form in March of 2017 as I began collecting images that dissect the static feeling of staying put in the South as some of my closest friends asked for my help in making their life-changing moves out West.

Each trip took on greater weight and meaning as the road did its work on me. I missed home while away; I missed being away while at home. Stuck inside a vicious cycle, restlessness consumed me on the road and in my own bed. The question burrowed itself in me: When is the desire to leave home an honest call to be answered, and when is it merely a temporary salve for our deeper need for belonging?

These photographs are a pause inside that question. They echo a response to the millennial promise of wanderlust offered by an incessant bombardment of images on social platforms that present an oversimplification of our lives, and confess an obsessive inner monologue on the repeated search for the idyllic ‘home’. I ask the viewer to give consideration to the widening gap between the actual experience of our lives and finding a place, relative to the effortless, idealistic images that we consume and perpetuate.